Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Solar Oven Cooking!

At first I was afraid to use my solar oven I didn't know what to cook or how to cook in it. But, this past Sunday my family came over for dinner and I wanted chicken. Well the crock pot could only fit one so I asked Abram if we should try the solar oven and if it didn't work at least we still had one chicken. Well it did work and it was actually better then the chicken in the crock pot! It was so moist and tastee! That is what made me try cooking in it again with a roast. (I didn't get a picture of the chicken because I was too busy trying to get everyone fed.)
So this is a picture of the first roast from the solar oven. I thought it tasted great! Abram said the outside was a little dry but the flavor was great and the inside of the roast was good and moist too.

After the roast I wanted to try a desert so I tried a chocolate cake! Again it turned out wonderful!
It got a little cloudy so it took longer then what it said on the box. But if the clouds didn't get in the way it would have taken the same amount of time as in a regular oven.
I am definitely enjoying this new toy of mine! Thank you to Abram and his willingness and help in getting our family prepared just in case!
He also likes my cooking so that is good!


Phipps Family said...

What a smart idea. Living in CA that would be a great investment :)

Tressa said...

Cool! I've been wanting to get one of these so maybe when I do I'll have to ask you for pointers!

McDougal Family said...

Looks good! I really need to learn how to do that!

Anonymous said...

so far all that I have tasted has been wonderful! Great solar oven, and great cook! :)