Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zoo Trip!

On Monday my mom called and asked if I wanted to go to the zoo. We go pretty often as the days cool down. My mom has a membership which is really nice. We all get in free for the year! As the weather gets nicer we will probably go about once a week. So there will be a ton of zoo pics!
It was a great day to go to the zoo. All the animals were out! Even the Lions and Tiger. They are usually laying down where the kids can't see them but this time they were walking around!
So here are just a couple cute pics. The girls have fun with all the statues.
Summer Jo & Amalee

Ellie, Summer Jo, Amalee, and Maggie

Carson, Matt ( Maggie's best friend & Julie's b-friend), Maggie, and Julie (my sister)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why I just love going to the zoo. Look at the cute pics, and memories. I just love my grandkids. This is the best!!!