This is Mine and Abram's favorite picture of the girls. It was sweet seeing them having fun together and Maggie actually wanting to hold hands with her big sissy! She usually isn't a touchy person.

I need to learn how to put the pictures in order. The second pictures you see are of the second day of our vacation. We went to Strawberry and spent the night in Grandma Carrie's cabin. She is sure a sweet lady to let family use it! We went down to Fossil Creek and let the girls play in the water. They got so cold. The water is always moving so the sun doesn't have time to warm it up. We had a blast and wish we could have stayed longer!
This is Maggie just waking up. Abram takes cute pictures!:)
Amalee woke up really early and said she was hungury. I told her that I would be up in a couple of minutes. But, of course I wasn't so when I finally woke up at about 8:00 this is how I found her!
Someone at the creek was nice enough to as if we wanted a family picture and this is what we got. I think it turned out pretty good!
I just told Amalee if she wants her princee scooter that she had to smile for the camera! By this time she was ready to go. She was shivering a ton.
Just a very sweet picture of Maggie! She of course is ready to go and shivering a ton too!
This was the first day of our trip! We went to Out of Africa. It is up in Camp Verde, AZ. I like it a ton better then the zoo. You see the animals up close and they look 10 times healthier. They are always out playing. They have a show called Tiger Splash and the worker and Tigers swim and play together. They don't train the animals to do any tricks. The tigers are just playing! As you can see in the first picture the black bear is pretty close behind the girls.
This is Maggie at the Critter Court. She wasn't afriad of the snake at all:) One of the workers tell you about the animal and then they let everyone in to pet the animal.
This Maggie touching the snake. She was being so gentle. She just let the snake move under her hand!
Amalee wanted to swim with the tiger too! This picture is right after the show! Amalee was asking the owner of the park if she could go swimming too.
We went on a "safari trail" the zebera and giraffe come right up to the bus and you can feed the giraffe carrots and pet them!
Amalee was sitting at the front of the bus acting like a helper!
Abram and Maggie jumping into the creek! I asked Maggie if it was fun? She said "u-ha!"
We told Amalee if she would jump it to Daddy that she could have the Princess Scooter she had seen at Wal-mart. Of course she did it! Twice.
Cute video of us feeding the giraffe! Maggie even touched it's nose before the giraffe walked away!